Monday 3 November 2014

ROSE WREATH Marquetry box Project 0007 Post IV

ROSE WREATH Marquetry box Project 0007 Post IV

Time, time just gets away from me, the things that have happened since I last had the opportunity to write a post are numerable and diverse, my old mum is still in hospital. I have had time in the shed in bits and pieces but not long enough to get my thoughts in order or even workout where I'm up to with everything. I have started on a project for a special reason and am on a deadline to have it completed, it is not to different to the current box I've been writing about which started out as a trial to see if what I had in mind would work, it has.
First to finish off the original, so I can concentrate on the main project.

The pattern for the  sides of this box.

First I cut out the pieces for the branch.

Then glue them into position.

Selected the wood for the flower petals, I think it is West Australian Silky Oak, if not then one of the East Coast verities.

Cut the inlay pieces one at a time.

Using the gas soldering iron to do the shading, I note that Dremel have brought out one of these soldering iron, can't wait to get my hands on one.

Keep working around the pattern.

Having completed the first side, and I now know it is going to work, the next three sides I will do all at the same time.

Clean up the backs of the marquetry pieces, using a small scraper.

The two sides and two ends are complete, I've made the marquetry for the lid of the box, next I'll make the box and start assembling the pieces.

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