Tuesday 18 November 2014

ROSE WREATH Marquetry box Project 0007 Post V

ROSE WREATH Marquetry box Project 0007 Post V

It's been a while since iv'e had the opportunity to sit down and think about anything, and the blog seems to have suffered as a result. So today I'm just going to make some time to catch up and do some planning, my old mum is still in hospital, still trying to control the world, and generally make every one as miserable as possible, well that's the way it seems. My young niece is getting married in a couple of weeks in Canberra, so we are planning one of those mighty Australian road trips only about 3000kms in total, I am totally looking forward to it.
Although I haven't had much time to my self as late, and my health hasn't been the best, I have when possible got to the shed and have been reasonably productive. I have not only completed the "Rose Wreath Marquetry box" project, I have also completed a second version of it, I have been posting picks on Instagram for anyone who wants a sneak preview. 
Today I'm going to finish the post on the original Rose Wreath Project and after the great road I'll do a post on the second version and make a comparison between the two.  

To start I constructed a box, I don't usually show this process as there are thousands out there in eland way better at this than I am.

With the box frame complete, I glued the marquetry for inside the lid to the panel.

Using the marking gauge/knife I trim the edges so all are parallel to the edge.

I cut four strips for the banding.

I glued the banding into position mitering the corners as I went.

With the  marking gauge/knife I trimmed the edges so they are all parallel.

Next it's time to do the hinges.

I apply a strip of masking tape along the back of the box where the hinges are to be located.

I then put masking tape on the part of the hinge that will attach to the box. 

Apply super glue to the tape on the hinge.

Then using a square hold the hing in position until the glue is set.

Now I tape the lid of the box on top of the hinges, ensuring that the lid is exactly square with the box as it should be when the lid is closed.

Using a scalpel lightly cut around the glued hinge.

Then mark the lid where the hinge is to sit.

Remove the lid and carefully remove the hinges leaving the area to be removed clearly defined.

Measure the required depth and remove the waste, This can be done with a chisel or a small router e.g. Dremel.

Make sure the hings fit and are seated properly.

Glue the hing into position.

Cut out the wast from the lid, fit and glue the hinges.

Thanks for visiting and taking the time to read my blog, if you have any questions or a comment feel free I love the feed back.

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