Sunday, 5 October 2014



Another beautiful spring day in Paradise, birds woke me at 4 am this morning, so it's taken a few coffees to get going, but that's OK, can't say no to a coffee even if the doctor tells me I can only have one a day, for god-sake.

With the marquetry glued inside the lid, its mow time to seat the hinges.

Stick a strip of masking tape along the back of the box where the hinges are to go.

I always install the hinges with the double pins to the lid and the single pin to the back of the box, its hard to explain why, but in simple terms its to do with getting the maximum coverage of glue on the hinges, and as the top is the moving part, I don't know it just works better.

Apply tape to the hinges where they attach to the bock of the box,

so the tape is against tape on the box.

Measure and mark the position for the hing.

Apply super glue to the taped part of the hinge.

And using a square hold onto the box until the glue is set.

Scribe around the hinge with a scalpel or cutting knife.

Remove the hinge, leaving a clearly defined area to be removed.

Using a chisel and small router (dremel) I remove the waste and clean out the recess for the hinge.

Make sure the hinge fits.

Apply PVA glue to the non moving parts of the hinge, and press into position.

Carefully clean off any excess glue, so the hinge doesn't get glued together.

Allow the glue to dry.

Forgot to take photos, but the tops of the hinges are fitted in the same manner as the bottoms, again ensuring all excess glue is removed.

After sanding apply the finish, I usually use some kind of oil.
That's the end of another project. Thanks for your interest if you would like ti send an email

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